First Nations Sports Program 2022-2023 – the Value of Quality PartnershipsJuly 26, 2023

Building effective community partnerships leverage the strengths of multiple partners and when applied strategically to drive positive outcomes, the results will be more sustainable. It does take more time than driving programs individually, it certainly takes more work, it does take longer, but committing to strong partnerships builds the relationships, the shared understanding, and the collective focus which provides lasting progress. This program called upon partnerships across education, community, first nations culture, career support, health and well-being, leadership, participation and empowerment. If this is only a one-dimensional focus, the results would be less impressive.

Our partners in this program

Astute Finance and BDO Nth Qld – provided access to services at reduce cost that ensured good governance and strong financial acquittal and reporting. Their staff embraced the program and provided volunteers which then provides First Nations family access to information and services not previously accessed – value adding for the family while driving participation activity.

Just Hockey – provided heavily discounted equipment to the project to ensure safety and fun and access to quality equipment that makes the activities easier to learn skills and this  allows a stronger learning environment, creates fun and enjoyment and increases self-worth and confidence.  Builds retention and positive messages to bring friends next time. 

Yeti and Cairns Safer Streets – provide engagements with strong and broad First Nations Community, access to education, network of government service support – all of which ensure the programs are promoted and the messages being delivered compliment like programs. This assists the delivery to be effective and efficient as possible ensuring costs can be managed through the funding.

Councils – access to the parks and free space is the first step in breaking down the barriers and ensuring this is supported and celebrated provides opportunity to many more participants and families to be involved.

Schools – building trust and relationships at primary school level allow us to better connect and reconnect when the students as they progress to high school and beyond. The students are more likely to trust us and participate in modified games supporting participation. The partnership with in-school and after school programs allow us to link and create pathways to social and club competition. Partnering

ACCL and Harbrow Mentoring ensures there is a consistency of mentoring staff and when students want to take the next step in the pathway Through this program, they see safe and familiar faces.  This program allowed us to better link activities currently existing like after school activities and provide places where transport can be accessed, free flow of information to parents and community provide platform to build and retain trust and outcomes followed.

Cairns Hockey Clubs, volunteers and supporters – without access to specialized partners, the workload of driving outcomes for funding would fall on already overworked volunteers. Through these partnerships, we spread the load, we invite specialized people to come in and share information on the challenges faced by many in this space and build a stronger understanding between First Nations community and the Cairns Hockey clubs and volunteers. What happened next was schedules start changing to accommodate the inclusive participant , changes to policy allows more flexibility, we find the First nations participants start feeling more comfortable and look for reasons to continue participating.

For more information see the First Nations Sports Program Report – click here