Sport for development programs require access to quality decision-making on critical planning and economic development issues, and programs like ACCL/Aspire Live Well Learn Well Lead Well rely on partnerships to help achieve these outcomes.
Creating and advancing a true partnership is difficult and rewarding at the same time and done right, is the most effective form of decision-making available to us.
Today the sport for development landscape addresses issues that are many and complex and commit to bold visions embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion. ACCL/Aspire looks for partners so our mutual strengths can be leveraged and applied to the challenges at hand. It does take more work, and it might take longer, but strong partnerships build respectful relationships, shared understanding, and a collective focus which drives positive sustainable change.
2023 has been a very busy and productive year. We have been able to secure future opportunities through our collective partnerships and 2024 plans have been created through engagement and feedback from partners and supporters. We value all our partners, and we are stronger because of our diversity.
Stay tuned for the highlights of the 2023 year and the publication of the 2024 calendar of programs.
Thank you to our 2023 Partners for their support and assistance. We value the contributions made advancing Live Well Learn Well Lead Well.
Commonwealth Government – NIAA and supportive programs
Queensland Government – Sport and Recreation, Communities, Qld Police and others
Cairns Hockey Association, Clubs and supporters
Just Hockey/Eagle Hockey/Select Sports
Astute Financial NQ
BDO Nth Qld
Qld Safer Streets
Oceania Hockey Federation
Hockey Australia
Hockey Queensland
Football NQ
Torres Strait Island Program – 7 school campuses
Cape York and Tablelands Program – 9 school campuses
Gulf Savannah Program – 9 school campuses
Cairns Region Program – 10 school campuses
Rexona Breaking Limits Program
Peninsula Sport
Carpentaria Shire Council/Croydon Shire Council/Doomadgee Council/Ethridge Shire Council/Tablelands Council/Torres Strait Island Regional Council/Cairns Regional Council/Yarrabah Council/Kowanyama Council