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“Train the Hockey Leader”– Education & Training Programs for Oceania Hockey Federation Hook in4Health delivered by Cairns Hockey Aspire to be Deadly
“Train the Hockey Leader”– Education and Training Programs for Oceania Hockey Federation Hook in4Health delivered by Cairns Hockey Aspire to be Deadly.
Highlights of 2021!
Before we start the 2022, we thought we could share the highlights of 2021….
VOTE FOR US | Creating a Community Garden
This project will support Aspire indigenous young women and girls as part of the Empower Me Program plan, design, construct and plant a family vegetable garden, with the assistance of some volunteer gardeners and have them grow and harvest fresh vegetables supporting nutrition and health choices!
It was a great start to the Aspire Aces Academy for 2021 with our athletes involved in shirt presentations, information sharing and some small games on the pitch. This year our special guest coach is Wynard Volschenk, the new Cairns Hockey Game Services and Performance Manager.
Big Month Ahead for Aspire to be Deadly
Last week of the Empower Me and Hockey Fun Zone with our Aspire Mentors engaging with Trinity Bay High, TAS, Bentley Park High, Cairns West Primary and Balaclava – Safer Streets Program. It’s been a busy program and we are looking forward to sharing our Term 4 program focusing on communication and team building.
Congratulations to Aspire representatives on Hockey Australia RAP Working Group
“As a sport that considers inclusion and equality among the values that are important to the hockey community, along with a proud record of indigenous players who have represented our country, at Hockey Australia we want to make our position clear. We value, welcome, and actively seek to create opportunities for indigenous people to participate and engage in hockey. As a sport, we seek to play our part towards reconciliation.”
Cape York Girls Academy invite the Aspire Team to deliver LIVE WELL LEARN WELL LEAD WELL in Term 4
Aspire and Cape York Girls Academy will be building partnerships using the vehicle of sport to support curriculum areas of decision making and challenging critical thinking skills and moral reasoning. The Aspire Schools Program reinforce the importance of participating and engagement, the lessons of team building, developing leadership and creating opportunity for pathways to fulfill personal potential.
Gulf Hockey in 2021
The Hockey Festival is set for the last week of Term 3 and will be part of the Aspire Deadly 5’s events being delivered through the remote community and connects into the Aspire Pathways and accelerated learning programs.
Rene Archer Indigenous Round – Online Auction Coming
An online auction will be held and you can bid on the unique indigenous club, official and volunteer shirts being worn on the evening. You can be part of the online auction by visiting our auction page.